Explain The Motivations For Little Turtle And The Confederacy Of Northwestern Tribes

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Prompt: “Explain the motivations for Little Turtle and the Confederacy of Northwestern tribes and the greatest defeat by the US at the hands of Indigenous peoples.” Introduction The motivations for Little Turtle and the Confederacy of Northwestern tribes were both terrirtorial and cultural. And in they were direct response to the continued encroachment of white settlers onto their lands. In other words, the preservation of the Miami and numerous other tribes of the Confederacy, not only in their way of life but in the lands where they had lived, was the crucial impetus behind this confederacy which Little Turtle had lead for some time. But before proceeding, some further context is needed. For it is important to learn more about Little Turtle, the formation of the Confederacy of Northwestern tribes, as well as the situation in which these indiginous tribes fought with American armed forces, ushering in some of the most brutal defeats both of native tribes and American forces by tribal hands. These are elaborated on in what follows. …show more content…

Where they did not comply with the settler’s demands or weak treaties, they were often decimated by white militias. This was the historical backdrop in which the story of Little Turtle and the Confederacy took place, generally speaking. And it was in response to the continued encroachment of white settlers onto native lands, as well to the continued, often violent expulsions of native tribes