Explain The Policies And Procedures That May Affect The Safeguarding Of Children And Young People

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There are different legislations and guidelines, policies and procedures that must be followed as these affect the safeguarding of children and young people. These are:
- Children act
- Female genital mutilation
- Prevent duty (radicalisation)
- Education act
- Children and young people act
- Protection of freedoms act
There is a larger responsibility on the local authorities and those who they may work with such as schools and people that work alongside the local authority for the well being of children or a young person and also puts into place strategies policies and procedures to help promote the safeguarding of children and young people. However this act while finding and meaning strategies must be put in to place to protect children and young people it also means that more accountability is put onto agencies that could …show more content…

When the child is being home schooled the guidelines fall on the local authority as there are home checks to be done to ensure that the children are safe and receiving a education.
The protection of freedoms act means that all people who work with children and young people must have a DBS which has taken over from the CRB this shows whether a person has any convictions that may prevent them from entering the sector of working with children or young people though not all convictions immediately disqualify you from working within this sector.
Question: Question 2
Answer: There are different ways that there may be safeguarding children concerns in regards to child protection and sometimes in these situations children may need to be removed from the family home for their own safety and well being. However when it is decided to remove a child from the family home it is always a last resort and the children are often placed with their own relatives and family where possible this is also done for the well being of the child where possible.