Explain The Range Of Classification Standards Vocabulary And Terminology Standards In Health Care

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Week Three Reflective Assignment Mary Carnahan HA 413 Current Issues in Health Information Management May 18, 2016 Week Three This week in “Information Technology” Chapter nine “Technologies That Support Health Care Information System” “The information technology industry in general and the health information technology industry in particular are ever changing and evolving. New technologies are being introduced every day. How does a health care executive know when to support the adoption of the “latest and greatest” technologies” (Wager 274)? Technology trigger, peak of inflated expectations, trough of disillusionment, slope of enlightenment, and plateau of productivity; these are five key phases called “The Hype Cycle”. The …show more content…

Classification standards: The most widely recognized coding and classification systems—ICD, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), and diagnosis related groups (DRGs). Vocabulary and terminology standards: Create a common language that allows different information systems or vendor products to communicate unambiguously with one another. Data interchange standards: The ability to exchange and integrate data among health care applications is critical to the success of any overall health care information system. Health record content and functional standards: HL7 EHR-S (Electronic Health Record-System) Functional Model, ASTM Health Record Content Standards, Continuity of Care Document, HITECH EHR Certification Criteria. Chapter eleven “Security of Health Care Information Systems” “Medical records contain some of the most sensitive information about a person, and questions about information security are critical, particularly since this data is increasingly stored and accessed online” (UAB, n.d.). A good healthcare security is the HIPAA Security Rule which is closely connected to the HIPAA Privacy Rule. The HIPAA Security Rule was published in 1998, and is divided into sections and

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