Explain The Steps Of Processing A Crime Scene

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Many crimes occur every day in the United States. In the last past few years the crime in the city of New York has constantly increase from murders, stealing, fighting, and several other violent related activities. Throughout this paper I will discuss the steps of processing a crime scene and the involvement of the first responding officer and others. One of the most important steps in processing a crime scene is the arrival of the first officer. Upon arrival to the scene the first responder, first must verify that a crime was committed unless the circumstances are sufficiency to justify a reasonable belief that the crime did occur. After conforming that a crime was committed one of the top priority of the first officer is to aid the victim if they’re any. If the victim is still in danger of the perpetrator the officer most take the step to insure the safety of the victim. If the perpetrator is still at the …show more content…

In securing the scene, officers should be careful to observe and avoid disturbing any possible evidences. Names of any possible witnesses should be taken, officers should avoid interviewing a witness or suspect at length. The investigators should do this. First-responding officers should document in writing every action or movement that they do, keeping in mind that this is likely to be the subject of any examination and cross-examination should a trial occur. The crime scene should be secured by the use of tape, rope, lock or other appropriate measures. Any authorized person, including police officers can’t come in and any authorized person should be recorded. The time at which they entered and the time they left the scene should be noted on the officer note taking. While making a search, officers must limit touching any objects and places at the scene this can cause contamination to the

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