Explain The Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Drug Use

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I feel that some of the warning signs and symptoms of drug use is when someone starts to neglect any of their responsibilities, they don’t care about anything like dying or getting into trouble, and they cannot maintain a relationship as well as start to have family problems. Furthermore, some of the things that they value start to come up missing because they are trying to find extra money to pay for their drugs. There is also the sign of them acting differently when they are high and not high because of the effects the drugs have on them and because of this they may start stealing things from their family and anywhere else they can take from.

I do feel that some of the warning signs and symptoms for psychoactive drugs are the same. The reason I feel this way is because a psychoactive drug alter a person consciousness, mood and thoughts and some of your psychoactive drugs are alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines ecstasy, cocaine, heroin and even tobacco. Unfortunately, when it comes to tobacco I do not that it has the same signs and symptom although it is considered a psychoactive drug. Rather than place it in this category I would say that it’s not one but as for the rest of the drugs I have listed above I do feel that they have the same signs and symptoms. …show more content…

Time is never on our side when we are dealing with some who has a drug abuse or addiction issue. Therefore, action has to be taken quickly in order to try to get them help as well as save their