Explain Ways To Promote Equality And Value Diversity

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4. What is the difference between a.. Be able to create and maintain a safe, inclusive teaching and learning environment. 4.1 Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others The author's role is as a teacher of business at Northampton College. The college has a Student Behaviour Policy and Procedure. Northampton College (2023) -. The policy sets out the college code of conduct, expectations and academic standards for the students. It also details disciplinary procedures and methods for dealing with serious behavioural breaches. The Student Behaviour Policy and Procedure enables the college to formally handle behavioural issues, however by promoting appropriate behaviour and respect for others, it should help to keep use of the policy and disciplinary procedures …show more content…

4.2 Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity. Northampton College has a Dignity, Diversity and Equality statement. In this statement it defines equality and diversity as follows, Northampton College (2022) - “Equality – Equality is about equal opportunity and about creating an inclusive society where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Diversity – The word diverse means “varied and different” so ‘diversity’ is about more than equality. It is about valuing variety and individual differences and creating a culture, environment and practices which respect and value differences for the benefit of society, organisations and individuals.” There are many specific ways to promote equality and value diversity in a learning environment however it is the authors belief that this begins with the overarching culture of the classroom which can be shaped by the teacher with their attitude and behaviour. This can be from raising awareness of the notion that all individuals should be treated equally and

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