
Explain What Emphasis Do Work Study And Family Life Have In Your Culture

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What emphasis do work, study and family life have in your country or in your culture? Which of the 3 is most important in your country or in your culture?

Work, study and family life prioritization has dramatically evolved in American culture. Work and family or work-life balance has moved from corporate jargon to a commonplace phrase in American society in recent decades. Economic stress and changes in gender roles as we evolved to the two-earner family have dramatically impacted both family life and had a correlative impact on studying. Some of these impacts on the family dynamic are examined in The Time Bind.(Hochschild, 1997). Complications such as arranging child care, transportation to soccer games, forced long hours due to either economic or career issues are negatively impacting the American nuclear family structure. At the same time, education overall and studying have taken a back seat due to the same prioritization issues. The resulting reality is that work has …show more content…

I have a very small family structure living in a two-adult household with no extended family nearby. My primary support comes from my partner and it has been a reciprocal arrangement. She finished her bachelor degree last spring and we have changed some of our time commitment and financial responsibilities to accommodate my return to school. On the other hand, as I am also involved in a career switch at the same time I have been resistant to ask for any accommodation from my new employer. I work around their ever-changing work schedule instead of the other way around. Interestingly, most of my contact with friends is now on social media. There have mostly been supportive comments and approval for my decision-making but there have also been a few well-intended gripes about my lack of time on social media platforms or contributing to discussions about my outside

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