Explain What Is The Primary Purpose Of The Literacy Test

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Explain in your words exactly what UNESCO is trying to express. Literacy is the basis of fundamental human rights and lifelong learning. From the Internet to short messages, the increasing popularity of communications has expanded people's social and political participation. Literacy is essential for social and human development because it can change the life. For individuals, families, and society, it can improve people's health and income levels, improve the relationship between people and the world. The goal of the Literacy test is to see how literate people from Ontario are. The primary purpose of the literacy course is to make you a more educated individual. Do you think this is important and worthwhile? I believe that this is important. More than 50 years ago, in the Universal …show more content…

Are you surprised at the results, upset to take this course? I think the literacy test is necessary, and I am not surprised by the results. I think a person's reading and writing can be reflected from this test. In fact, life can be everywhere; more vocabulary can help you establish self-confidence, but also conducive to the comprehensive development of the individual. How can the ability to read, write, listen and speak effectively help you succeed at work and in your personal life? In the process of learning the language, people are mainly complete through listening, speaking, reading and writing, people use the "listening" and "reading" to accept the language, which is a receptive language ability, and use "speaking" and "writing" to express ideas which are expressive language skills. And in the knowledge of speaking and writing, "speak" is more flexible and has wide adaptability and other characteristics, the ability of communication is both the needs of society, but also the realization of personal values. Please find a picture online that expresses how you feel in regards to your literacy, explain why you chose this

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