
Explain What Role Should The Government Play In Monitoring Internet

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What role should the government play in monitoring internet content?

Internet-a global network providing a network of communication. Society has changed alot, since internet came about. Almost everyone uses the internet everyday! Internet changed all of our lives, which allowed us to communicate with the outside world .Even though there is many pros to having internet, there are also many cons as well. While the Internet has been a place to communicate and connect globally, many issues have surfaced with this technological resource. Cyberbullying and children safety is something that should be at the forefront of government work and by monitoring social media the government can protect its citizens, especially its youngest and most vulnerable …show more content…

For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.

If the governemnt begins to monitor cyber bullying , their will be less suicide rates and also less thoughts of suicide among children.Many of these children use social meida without their parents knowing. And that is a very big issue, because their are many people who use the internet and it can make children at risk. Lets face the truth, many families have lost the value of having and being together as a family now adays. Many parents purchase their young children a tablet, phone , or a computer . Most social media apps require you to be atleast 13 years of age or even older than that. But, most children bypass that and create an account without their parents knowledge. While children are growing up they face alot of new and difficult things in life , and they are not quite knowledgable of eveyrthing yet , and they would like to meet “new friends “.While some children’s parents are busy, they begin to chat with other people, who are not who they present them self.Children are geniruelt curious for the most part, they begin talking to strangers across a screen which eventually turns very bad. Being a young child , before teenage years is a hard time for some children,

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