Explain What Was Mao Zedong Seeking To Accomplish With The Cultural Revolution

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1) What was Mao Zedong seeking to accomplish with the Cultural Revolution?
During the time of the Cultural Revolution Mao Zedong was seeking to carry out the reassertion of his authority over the Chinese Government; "He wished to create a truly new relationship among party, people, and the exercise of revolutionary power." (Adler & Pouwels pg. 642) Within the 1960s Mao Zedong became strongly convinced the Soviet Union current leadership of China at the time was "suffocated by bureaucratization" (Adler & Pouwels pg.642) while Mao Zedong was strong-minded that China would not fall into the same trap the Soviet Union did. Mao Zedong wanted to rid China of every person young and old who reverenced Chinese tradition. Zedong had wished to bring about an everlasting revolution.
3) Why has Japan been so economically successful in the post-war period? …show more content…

Japan externally became successful by receiving help from the U.S. by taking on the burden of Japan’s protection. Even more so externally, Japan is also completely reliant on imported oil as it was affordable during the time of the post-war. There are so much more, yet, these are only a few. Internally, Japan became successful by having one of the “world’s highest personal savings rate, and the banks reinvested the savings in new industry.” (Adler & Pouwels pg. 646) Even more so, Japan had one of the world’s most operative education and labor force systems; “The Japanese labor force was disciplined and skilled and had been well educated in one of the world’s most effective primary and secondary school systems.” (Adler & Pouwels pg.