Explain Why College Is Not Worth The Cost Essay

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Based on today’s society, the millennials and the upcoming generation are practically conditioned to believe that to able to be a successful person, it is an essential and a necessity to attend college. As of now, numerous of job openings required some sort of a college degree. But on the other hand, due to the advances in technology, which is causing millions of workers to lose their job, many people start to question whether college is worth the cost. Based on the articles, it is quite convincing that college is not worth the cost due to the fact that a share of students are leaving college with the substantial debt burden. But, it is more convincing that college is worth the cost because people who are willing to attend college are more likely to earn a higher income. In addition, college prepares people to able to do high-skill works and for future jobs. …show more content…

Based on the Pew Social and Demographic research study, 75 percent said college is too expensive for most Americans to afford. In addition, the statistics show that nearly 48 percent of college graduates say that paying off college debt made it harder to pay other bills (Pew Social). Besides the cost of college, the economy deflation of college graduates’ wages also reflects on why some might say college is not worth the cost. For instance, the “hourly wages for young college-educated men in 2000 was $22.75 but that dropped by almost a full dollar to $21.77 by 2010. For young educated women, hourly wages fell from $19.38 to $18.43 over the same period