Explain Why Did Goldman Say That Decisions Regarding People's Own Futures

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Why does Goldman say that decisions regarding people’s own futures are best left up to them? Goldman believe that decisions regarding people’s own futures are best left up to the person because the person knows best what they want and they know their own interests. The patient has the right to know the truth about their medical condition and then can choose how to deal with the condition from the right to accept or refuse treatment. A patient may look at for themselves better than a doctor may is what Goldman believes may happen. According to Goldman, why is self-determination important? Goldman states this about the importance of self-determination. “Another decisive consideration mentioned earlier, namely the independent value of self-determination mentioned earlier, namely the independent value of self-determination or freedom of choice. Personal autonomy over important decisions in one’s life, the ability to attempt to realize one’s own value ordering, is indeed so important that normally no amount of other goods, pleasures or avoidance of personal evils can take precedence. The value of self-determination …show more content…

Wanglie Would have desired, there was no reason to doubt her family on that point, but whether the continuation of ventilator support and gastrostomy feeding were among the reasonable medical alternatives that should have been available to Mrs. Wanglie or her surrogate decision maker, whoever that might be. The question, really, was whether the provision of this kind of treatment in this kind of case was outside the limits of medicine and, thus, beyond her power of choice. Mrs. Wanglie’s healthcare providers should have argued that medical practice simply did not include providing ventilator and gastrostomy feeding under circumstances of this case, and that not surrogate decision maker should be able to choose this option”