Explain Why Did The American Electorate Become Conservative During The 1970s

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1) Did the Ford and Carter presidencies fail to repair the damage done to the reputation of the presidency by the Watergate scandal and Nixon's resignation? If so, why not? This was driven by economic distress, social issues, desire for traditional values, unemployment, high inflation, and an energy crisis. The election of Reagan in 1980 helped this conservative surge. 2) Why did the American electorate become increasingly conservative during the 1970s? What are some examples that testify to this increasing conservatism? Some examples that testify to this increasing communism are the economic woes, changes socially, pushing for traditional values in the 1970s boosted America's conservative shift. In 1980 Reagan's victory and growth of republican …show more content…

provided political and military assistance to the government of the shah of Iran They hoped to make his nation a bulwark against Soviet expansion in the Middle East By 1979 many Iranians re Carter's Falling Popularity The combination of domestic, economic problems, and international crises created widespread anxiety Damaged President Carter's already low reputation The Sunbelt and its Politics Rise of the Sunbelt Most demographic of 1970s was what became known as the "Sunbelt" By 1980, the population of the Sunbelt had risen to exceed that of the older industrial regions of the North and the East Sunbelt consisted of southeast, southwest, and California Sagebrush Rebellion Sagebrush rebellion emerged in the west in 1970s Its members complained about the large amounts of land the federal that the land be opened for development The most conservative suburbans were in Orange County California The Politics of Religion Evangelical Christianity Evangelicalism was the basis of many forms of Christian faith They feared the growth of feminism and the threat they believed it posed to the

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