Explain Why The 1950's America Was A Step Back In The 1960s And 1970s

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1950’s America was a time a prosperity and conformity. The 1960s and 1970s saw a huge step backwards from the 1950s. The social and societal changes showed that there was a lot wrong with the American society and that there needed to be a change. The African American migration toward the cities in the 1950s, led to an urban crisis. This urban crisis led to American cities being the bane of its existence. The main reason why America took a step back in the 1960s and 1970s was because of the poor leadership. This poor leadership increased the mistrust in the American government. The Vietnam War was a huge point of controversy in the 1960s and the growing increase of troops being sent over led to many strikes. These strikes led to new kinds of protest music. While all these protests were going on the more radical protesters were trying to change to whole American society. These strikers were members of the counterculture and wanted to change American society. This counterculture were hippies and the hippies smoked weed and wanted more personal freedoms. Therefore the youth culture wanted to be like hippies, but without the excessive drug use and living in communes. Many of the adults …show more content…

This happens because the African Americans could get jobs and they also were not welcomed in the suburbs. At that time American cities were getting older and that led to a financial crisis. Cities lost the respect they once had because of this increase in crime and poverty. Cities were a blemish to the American society in the 1960s and 1970s. All of the problems of the cities led to race rioting throughout the country. Once again it was a bad reminder that American was not progressing as a country and there was a growing feeling that the country was going downhill. These race riots were occurring so often and frequent that changes had to be made. American cities needed to have a much need