Explain Why There's No Warned Reason To Fear Boo Radley

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Why There’s No Warranted Reason to Fear Boo Radley Do you have a fear of one of your neighbours? Have you heard spine-chilling rumours about them making think they are a threat? Have they been kind to you? At least when you give them a chance to even try to be friendly? Do they even leave their house? I mean how much harm can they do while being in their home? You see, the Finch children have a neighbour they are quite fearful of who is just like that. The Finch children have no real reason to fear Boo Radley. They only know of rumours about him, even so, they judge him and see him as a monster. He’s kind to them whenever he can but the kids are still petrified of him. Boo rarely leaves his home so how can they be scared of him? Everything the children know about Boo Radley is based on rumours. I mean have they ever actually seen Boo Radley do any of the horrible things everyone says he allegedly does? The story …show more content…

With all the terrible things the children believe of Boo Radley, they are quite surprised of his genuine actions. When Miss Maudie’s house was on fire, Scout was pleasantly surprised Boo. She hadn’t even noticed his presence. “Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know it when he put the blanket around you.” (Lee 82) Atticus had explained. Scout shivered at that news considering her fear of that man. Boo had also been quite kind to the kids earlier on on the novel. “Something about one of the trees attracted [Scout’s] attention”. She “withdrew two pieces of chewing gum minus their outer wrappers.” (Lee 37) That was the first gift of many. Although in the first 8 chapters, it doesn’t say it was Boo Radley explicitly, we can infer. Nathan Radley had filled the knothole in the tree claiming it was dead but in reality, he was stopping Boo’s communication with the children. From what the Scout and Jem know of the Radley’s they should be scared, but Boo is only trying to be kind to

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