Explain Why We Thought There Was No Shame In Nudity Before Eating The Fruit

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During the group time, the question regarding why we thought there was no shame in nudity before eating the fruit was discussed. The group shared many of the same thoughts stemming from a literal analysis of the question. Before eating fruit from the tree, Adam and Eve were as innocent as an infant and had an animal like understanding of the world which led them to thinking that being nude was normal and thus they had nothing to be ashamed of. Even today, many cultures are aware of clothing being a normal part of life yet choose to go without in order to be closer with nature or because clothing is not seen as a necessity and they feel no shame which may be another explanation for Adam and Eve. During the discussion, Noah brought up an interesting …show more content…

These questions were decided to be the foundation of many great stories as they determined how the characters, setting and actions played out. In order to understand who a character is, one must be able to see how that character is built and how that character grows or remains static through the story. Knowing who a character is and where the character came from allows for the reader to understand the characters actions and build an understanding of the lenses through which that particular character sees the world. Once the characters are known, it is essential to know who the characters are with in order to help see some of the influences that have affected the character throughout the story. The influences are extremely important in both stories as the entire outcome relies on who the characters are with. In Genesis, Adam only ate the fruit because Eve had offered it to him. In Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh was a selfish, lustful, arrogant King until Enkidu forced him to experience nature and become more of a humbled King who accepted death as a reality. The ideas brought about during this discussion helped me to understand the many ways in which characters are developed and the ideas gave me a glimpse into what other students thought while reading these

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