Exploratory Essay

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2017 Many teens are tired of their parents’ constant pestering, whether it be what they are up to, where they are or with whom they are spending their time. But, parents should be able to monitor their teenage child’s internet usage. For example, there will be a lack of bullying in school or online, the teens stay on track with their schoolwork, and it gives the parents an ease of mind. Every teen goes through puberty and witnesses many changes, in not only their physical and emotional frame but also their environment. As stated by plannedparenthood.org, “Puberty can take several years, and usually happens between the ages of 9 and 17.” (Page 1) Teenager’s transform during this life stage into mature adults and face many challenges. These …show more content…

Their surroundings change because of the transition from middle school to high school and the increase of self-responsibility needed to excel in grades 9-12. Instead of accepting their peers, teens decide to judge or “bully” each other due to the teenager’s brain still developing from adolescence and many other reasons such as pressure from friends to pick on someone at school. This bullying also occurs due to the “release of hormones that signal a girl’s ovaries and a boy’s testicles” as stated in “The Complete Guide…Caring For Your Teenager,” a book by The American Academy of Pediatrics. (Page 37-38). These hormones cause the young adults to feel insecure about themselves and thus they lash out on their peers to help them feel in control of their surroundings since there is no way to control their own physical growth or lack there of. Although there should be a sense of responsibility taken upon the adolescent, they are still learning the difference between what is acceptable in social situations. There is plenty of verbal or emotional abuse at school, however, most bullying in today’s day and age happens online. This bullying referred to as …show more content…

In “Generation Myspace…” a book by Candice M. Kelsey, “cyber-bullying is harassment that takes place during online interactions, including but not limited to: Flaming, harassment, denigration, impersonation, etc.” (Page 109). Teens leave mean comments on others’ profiles and some go as far as to make videos talking badly about other people. Therefore, a parent should be able to monitor their teens’ internet use because it leads to the extinction and prevention of bullying in their child’s life. The parent can find mature solutions for the teen and go about the matter in a more respectful way than their adolescent child would. Teenagers make very brash decisions that have negative outcomes and never actually lead to the termination of a problem or crises. The parents not only offer a mature opinion based off of experience but they also see the events from an outsiders’ point of view and give the child advices as to what they would do in the situation. The “National Crime Prevention Council” suggests that parents should, “Emphasize that you won't take away their computer privileges - this is the main reason kids don't tell adults when they are cyberbullied.” (Page 1). Parents should take the time

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