Exploratory Essay On Abortion

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o It has been found that abortions cause grief and pain and many women that have undergone abortion experience deep psychological and spiritual stress after the procedure o Women that have abortions often end up having depression and being suicidal as the feelings of guilt over what they have done “haunts” them o The effects of Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome are worse than having to keep an initially unwanted child and give birth to it o Abortion increases risks for cancer o Abortion increases risks of infertility o No civilized society permits one person to take the life of an innocent individual and abortion is no different o Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion as this gives the child a chance at life, the birth mother does not have …show more content…

If contraception is not available and/or is not affective, abstinence should be kept because a baby should not die due to lack of responsibility o Minors that have abortions do so because of external influences and pressure from family, partners and friends – they are not completely informed of the consequences of an abortion o Some abortionists have quit their jobs after years of doing the procedures as they feel that the procedures are inhumane and immoral o A foetus is not just a clump of cells, but a fully functioning organism and so has a right to life o A foetus is a human being regardless of its size and ability to survive outside the womb as yet o A foetus is conscious and can feel …show more content…

o Abortion is final and the mother has no choice of changing her mind – with parenthood the mother could always give her child up for adoption and with adoption the mother can always choose to still keep contact with her child, etc.; abortion does not have these options o By eliminating a percentage of the population through abortion, societal problems are not solved but compounded as the ending of lives is encouraged as an option to a difficult situation o There is no justification for killing an innocent child o Abortion is not just a religious issue but rather a human life issue as civil rights is not solely related to religion o The size of a human being cannot dictate its humanity or the extent to which it can be considered worthy of human rights o A baby has future value in society and so abortion is the loss of the value that that person would have in the future o A person cannot decide for an unborn child that their life will be hard with a disability as many disabled people have a quality of life and accomplish great things o In some cases, the prenatal tests are wrong and so if that child is aborted it will be without the child actually having a disability o Opportunities and the mother’s future should not be more important than the baby’s right to a future o Destruction of a conceived human being is an attack on God’s unique work of forming a