Exploratory Factor Analysis Essay

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Results & Discussions:
SPSS version 20 was used to examine the accuracy, missing values, fit between their distributions and the assumption of multivariate analysis. A series of exploratory factor analyses (EFA) was performed.

A series of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) was then conducted on the data from the surveys to validate the findings from the EFA. Out of 45 Statements ten statements were removed due to model fit requirements. Hence 35 statements forming seven measurement models were retained for the final model. All the re-specified measurement models were formed to satisfy most indices (Kline 2010). The reliability of scores of the measurement model ranged from .827 to .770. It is assumed that the internal consistency was acceptable and adequate to be part of the structural equation model.
The structural model was tested and presented as the final stage. Post hoc model modifications were performed in an attempt to develop a better fitting and possibly more parsimonious model.
The 35 statements of the measurement model is shown in Figure 1. This model explained that 41.3 % of the variance was in individual attitudes‘, and that 39.5% of the variance was in pre-purchase evaluation‘ while …show more content…

The unique conceptual model used in this study is a combination of three theoretical models, namely, the theory of reasoned action, the theory of planned behaviour and the theory of consumer decision making process. The findings of this research study have important implications for marketers of organic food in China. They should attempt to leverage on these findings by educating their target audience, (both existing and potential customers) and by promoting trials of organic food products. Beneficiaries of this research study include various stakeholders in China and globally such as consumers, vendors both local and international and government

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