Explore The Extent To Which Understanding And Experiences Of Sex And Sexuality

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Explore the extent to which understandings and experiences of sex and sexuality differ through an analysis of two ethnographic examples. Sex (sexual intercourse): noun; Sexual contact between individuals involving penetration, especially the insertion of a man's erect penis into a woman's vagina, typically culminating in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen. (Oxford University Press 2017) Sexuality: noun; a person's sexual orientation or preference. (Oxford University Press 2017) The Oxford dictionary defines sex and sexuality in the above ways. Taking these definitions, the topic of sex and sexuality should be very simple. However, as human beings, we connect with the act of sex on a meaningful level, and these are concepts we relate to intimately …show more content…

This group live in longhouses, which are single room buildings that house a number of people. Those within the longhouse care for each other, and are 'united in life' (Rival 2007, p 170). Rival asserts that the longhouse is an embodiment of the relationships of the people who reside in it, and embodies the diffuse intimacy that is characteristic to the Huaorani people. The circle of life will take place in the woman's space, in her hammock by her hearth. This is the place she will relax and enjoy time with friends, experience pleasure in food and drink; and also where she will invite her lover, birth her children, and keep them close in this hammock until they are old enough to move to their own …show more content…

By interacting sensually with others, a Huaorani person cements their place in the longhouse. The act of sexual intercourse is a very small part of that, and integrated in to every day life. However, the purpose of sexual relationships in the life of an African American woman appears to have far more to do with power than with intimacy, as an African American woman finds her place in society by adopting a sexual script. The level of acceptance and intimacy she receives, and her experience of sex overall, will be dependent of the societal view of the role she is

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