Exploring The Relationship Between Art And The African-American Community

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My two greatest passions are artistry and advocacy. There are clear marginalized and disadvantaged groups in our society, and as a privileged citizen I have to be the voice that supports them in times where they may not be heard. Especially if I am granted the resources to begin some form of research or campaign, I definitely feel responsible for evoking necessary change or support within the people of Greeneville. I understand that art is an underrated, expressive form of speaking. People don’t like being verbally countered, and arguments often lead to division; however, art can project feelings, thoughts, and symbolic message without physically speaking. This peaceful approach makes it easy to apply to a range of subjects, but handles controversy …show more content…

With social diversity, there’s artistic diversity. Artistry is a cultural facet present in every society. All cultures have an individual art form, and everyone in some way can be involved with art; as an inspiration, a viewer, or a creator. It would be intriguing to explore the potential social effects of using various styles based on a certain community type to address the social issues of that group. For example, using African and street styles, perhaps in the form of murals, posters, or ads, to highlight the struggles of the African-American community. Art is very connected with history and psychology. It can influence emotion and reflect on past events and perspectives. Aspects like color theory, composition, and use of form project different feelings and emotions or create symbolism in artistic pieces. By applying specific art to a designated group, it makes the visual much more relatable and increases the success of that exposure. I would like to use artistry to highlight local resources, illustrate various social perspectives, and address controversial subjects in a peaceful, neutral manner. Similarly, testing the effects of the strategic use of artistic elements and the correlating results on mood, behavior, and

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