Exploring The Relationship Between The Federal Bureaucracy And Patronage System

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1. Bureaucracy is a system of organizational control and is based on there principles: hierarchical authority, job specialization, and formalized rules. A bureaucracy is the most effective way people can work together on large tasks. Hierarchical authority refers to a system in which those at the top are in control. Job specialization refers to specific duties for each job position and division of labor. Formalized rules establish procedures and regulations by which a bureaucracy conducts its operations. The nation would not be better served if only the president was in control of the federal bureaucracy. The president could not have sole responsibility over federal bureaucracy because they could not get everything done by themselves. The bureaucracy allows delegation, which creates specific tasks for everyone to …show more content…

They take one of five forms: cabinet department, independent agency, regulatory agency, government corruption or presidential commission.. The Bureaucracy also allows the president to be checked by the legislative and judicial part of government. 2. The patronage system continues to fulfill its original intention in the sense of trying to maintain a healthy relationship between the administration and the people elected by it. However, the definition of patronage system has changed overtime, due to government officials trying to make the elections less corrupt. The merit system is an alternative to the patronage system that governed federal employment during much of the nineteenth century. Patronage was the practice of exchanging administrative office jobs with favor of the winning party. Patronage began though president Jacksons administration, it became known as the spoils system. The spoils system awarded government jobs to friends and party hacks. People grew outraged that those with little knowledge and skill were appointed to

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