External Support Groups In Civil War

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Civil war is a prominent and ongoing global issue. Unfortunately, civil war is inevitable and impossible to avoid. The implications of war are not preventable as there will always be insurgencies and inequity creating a social divide. First, ethnic fears and violence, resources and external support systems as well as the corrupted youth are all agents to civil war. Within Ethnic fears and violence, it also often results in genocide but also has a system of thought like primordial behind it (Freeland, Valarie, Poli 220-101, Civil Wars, November 16, 2017). From a Marxist perspective, class division and social inequality as well as the imbalance of resources will always affect the relationships among people in any given society (Freeland, Valarie, …show more content…

External support systems are groups that assist and provide support (Freeland, Valarie, Poli 220-101, Civil Wars, November 16, 2017). These groups are also known as proxy groups (Freeland, Valarie, Poli 220-101, Civil Wars, November 16, 2017). To my own understanding, a proxy is a person who does the work for a specific person. Therefore, the definition of a proxy group would be a group that is hired for the sole intent of fighting a battle for a country or group. For example, there have been times where mercenaries have been hired to fight specific battles and their violence is within in new civil wars (Kalyvas, 2001, 113). Mercenaries will do the job as along as it benefits their own self-interest. However, by fighting a battle for another group they then become a proxy or an external …show more content…

Again, it is these beliefs that have been deeply rooted in our history that we can not necessarily change. Many may argue that the corrupted youth is a problem that has a solution. For example, education and the creation od institutions to better help the youth that have chosen the wrong path. Although education and other forms of assistance may benefit them, one cannot help every single person. Often within our human nature people are corrupted; not by their choices but by life experiences that no one can change. Aiding will not help the people that do not want to be assisted. A lot of the corrupted youth are in parts of the world or cities where money and resources are limited. If the solution was to implement aiding resources, where would the money come from? People are unwilling to raise taxes and a lot of people are reluctant to send money, it is something that has been culturally produced from a productions society. Within any functioning society there will always people that will be at the bottom and not benefit from social class. Unfortunately, the youth that have been corrupted for years are easily recruited by groups. If one looked at a group like ISIS, they recruit people that are lost, lonely and teenagers who feel like they have no place in society. People like this join these groups to feel a sense of belonging. In a

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