Eye Opening Experience

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An Eye Opening Experience Fear and panic were all that entered my mind as I stood next to my destroyed car. It was a gloomy, rainy Tuesday in April. I was driving home from school to get ready for work that evening. But unfortunately, I didn’t make it home because I was in a car accident. I hit someone as I was pulling across 11 W. I remember looking to see if it was clear to drive across the road. Then, there was someone’s car meeting my front bumper. The air bags flew in my face. I spun around in the road three times before my car came to stop. What happened that day improved the way I drive, taught me some valuable lessons, and made me a more responsible driver. As an illustration, the damage was done and I decided to get out of my …show more content…

I was still waiting anxiously for my parents to arrive. Behind the police, ambulance, and fire trucks, I see my dad’s truck approaching in the distance. I waited for the police officer to make his way toward me and approach me, as I was about to clarify what just happened. The lady that I hit jumped into the ambulance as soon as it arrived at the scene of the accident. My dad stood with me as I gave the police officer my driver’s license and my insurance information. I was 100% responsible for the car accident. The police officer gave me a ticket for a violation and citation for failure to maintain my vehicle. The lady I hit received a ticket for no insurance and driving on a suspended license. The day of this accident, I was sixteen years old and had only had my license for three months. The accident was my fault and I ended up totaling my car and hers. I was demanded to appear in court a month later for a hearing. I had just starting driving, so you can imagine how scary all this was to …show more content…

I was in the Emergency Room for almost four hours. I had a contusion on my left leg and a small concussion. I also had severe burn marks on my wrists from the air bags. The doctor told me my symptoms could last up to a week and that I was going to be very sore. I was told to get lots of rest for the next few days. The next few days were the worst. My whole body was so sore. I didn’t go to school for several days. I could barely sit up on my own let alone walk. I was very sore, but I’m appreciative that’s all the pain I had to experience. I often think about the way the other car hit mine and realize how much worse it could’ve been. I could’ve been hitting the gas harder, or they could’ve been going faster than they were. So many things went a lot better than they could have. I can’t express how much this experience has changed me as a person. I look about ten times before pulling out now. No one got hurt, but that day changed my life and my perspective on driving. I’m confident that I’m definitely a more responsible driver and take driving a lot more serious