FFA Mission Statement

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"FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agriculture education." Just as the FFA mission statement says, the field of Agriculture Education and the National FFA Organization leave a mark on students like nothing else does. These students are given the opportunity to begin their own Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs, to attend leadership conferences and camps all year round, and to compete in a wide variety of Career Development Events, or CDEs, that allow them to engage with their interest bases and improve themselves as individuals. While allowing members to create memories that will last throughout their lives, the …show more content…

Students are encouraged to develop Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs, or SAEs, that allow them to gain experience working for people, starting their own businesses, and conducting scientific studies and research. There are also a wide variety of CDE events for students to participate in, including various areas of judging teams such as livestock, horses, and forestry, as well as Public Speaking, Science Demonstrations, Agriculture Education, and endlessly more. In addition to this, the FFA offers a plethora of conventions and camps for members, focusing primarily on leadership. Members retain skills from competing and participating in these events that benefit them throughout their …show more content…

"My membership in FFA has allowed me to experience real, tangible leadership - looking others in the eye when spoken to, shaking hands firmly, holding the door open and practicing manners, recognizing the potential of others and drawing on that potential, delegating work, using time efficiently, allowing others to occasionally take the lead, speaking confidently, remaining flexible, respecting wise decisions, overcoming obstacles, and rising to the call of action when others need you to really serve them," (Reese, 2011). Another example would be a girl named Jenna Moser, who traveled to India to learn about their agricultural techniques and methods, and helped them integrate new modern agriculture technologies. "What I noticed in India was that the people involved in agriculture are older, and the younger generation isn't interested in agriculture and doesn't understand how important it is to be involved in it. I would like to teach in developing countries and inspire young people to pursue careers in agriculture. That enthusiasm for agriculture developed because of my experience in FFA," (Kidwai, 2011). Both of these individuals were greatly affected by the things they learned while involved in the National FFA Organization, and have went on to be very successful

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