FRQ On The Italian Renaissance

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FRQ-1 The Italian Renaissance was a period of exponential regeneration for Italy and the states affected by its newly acquired taste. The fourteen hundreds to the first half of the fifteen hundreds was a time of Renaissance or “rebirth” for Europeans. Where artists and humanists like Count Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and Titian expressed ideas based on the times of the Greeks and Romans called antiquities. The ideas they developed gave new meaning to the Europeans cause and strive for meaning. During the time of the Renaissance, Italy was the quite certainly the center of humanists ideas that had sparked the Renaissance. With it came social standings causing ideas like real life paintings, extravagant architecture, and patrons to these such ideas. After humanists ideas came to be known it sparked a thrill and sense of pride amongst Europeans sparking the great Renaissance. Towards the beginning of the Renaissance these ideas were taken very seriously to a point where …show more content…

So, in thinking these people who had the money, but no sense of mathematics or a steady art hand decided to stay with the tide by supporting the artists cause. These wealthier folk paid artists to stay at their houses and develop art to be placed in their home, or great portraits to show the power they had in the society. Many wanted to have their legacy immortalized like these great artisans and mathematicians, then by having something made in their honor these people were seen as legends. In that day, you weren’t truly relevant until you had been depicted by one of the greats or influenced them in some way. This idea of patrons gave an opportunity to people of all kinds to get involved in the Renaissance, even when you didn’t carry an artistic bone in your body. The Renaissance opened the eyes of the many, making a huge part of the societies across the

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