Facial Expression In Princess Penelope

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Physical Delivery/Body Movement/Facial Expression: Inky who was the sidekick at the beginning of the play showed little confidence by the and didn 't puff out his chest very often at the beginning of the play and his voice wasn 't as loud and proud. His facial expression displayed a feeling of discomfort and inferiority. At the end, he of the play he started talking louder and bolder and his voice was more projected and gave off the superhero, newer person effect. Princess Penelope was confident from the beginning of the play to the end of it. Her body was straight and she was very composed and poised throughout out the entire play. Princess Penelope had more confidence and brave attributes than Inky so her body movement and facial expressions were humble yet bold. …show more content…

Energy: There was a lot of energy put into this performance. Since this was a musical, with dancing and singing the need for a great amount of energy to make the play more enjoyable for the crowd important and this show (and the actors) did a great job with it. Inky showed energy in his character in that this character’s energy grew throughout the story. He didn’t have a lot of energy in the beginning because he didn’t have a lot of self-confidence in himself, but as princess Penelope encouraged him to think of himself as a here, he started to build up more energy as a character. Princess Penelope’s character had a lot of energy to begin with so there was a foundation for this character to build up more energy. Her energy was very high to begin with. These two character’s energy levels were based on confidence and how these characters projected themselves on