Facilitate Workplace Communication Essay

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Enhancing Workplace Communication with an Internal Communications Template Much has been written about internal communication and its usual methods of delivery – email, bulletin boards, internal newsletters, staff meetings, digital signage and the like. But there is more to internal communication than just these. Neither is internal communication the transmission of messages from the boss down to the managers, the immediate supervisors, trickling down to the front liners. Internal communication, in its truest sense, refers to the regular meaningful interactions between and among management and employees. This means that internal communication includes both the official conversations held over meetings and other forms of delivery, and the more …show more content…

The company situation. How would you describe and rate your existing communication practices? 2. Your company goals and objectives. Because your internal communication plan must support your company goals, it would help to identify these goals and put them into perspective as you develop your objectives for your communication plan. 3. Your communication plan objectives. What do you aim to achieve in developing and implementing the plan? List them down. Be sure to set SMART objectives. 4. You target audience. Which group of people are you making the plan for? Be sure to be specific and include their demographic, their behavior, their level of knowledge and awareness, their preferred methods for receiving information and the possible barriers present for receiving information. 5. Key message for specific audience groups. Identify the specific changes that you wish to make. What do you want your audience to know and how do you want the audience to respond to this knowledge? What kind of action do you want your audience to perform as a result of the changes you will make? 6. Your message delivery tools. These tools will depend on your objectives, your message and your audience and can be in the form of emails, face-to-face interactions, digital signage, bulletin board announcements, newsletters and the

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