Facilitation Concept Map

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What: Facilitation is the action of facilitating something (Bloodworth, 2018). On the other hand, community of practice is a group of people who shares a concern or a passion for something they do or learn how to do (Wenger, 2000). My role is to formulate the concept map showing the relation between facilitation and community of practice in adult learning. The formulated concept map explores the relation between the learning theory (community of practice) in adult education and facilitation. The community of practice and facilitation is interrelated because the communities are benefited from the proper guidance of knowledgeable, tactful and skillful facilitator who understands the importance of adult learners (Ride.ri.gov, 2018). From the concept …show more content…

They both have common characteristics like: helping each other, discussing the problem with community member, developing a problem-solving process through the experience, experiment and valuing the collective competence. These all characteristics are useful in critical decision making to solve any problems or issues. Thus, these characteristics benefits the facilitator and community to solve problem or to achieve goal. Furthermore, the formulation of concept map has benefited both the facilitator and community people because both are related to adult learning and adult learns through their responsibilities like organizing, guiding, supporting and documenting which is essential to maintain professionalism as well. On the other hand, these responsibilities are useful for the leader or people in community to achieve a common goal. The concept map has also benefited me in understanding the role of facilitator and community people because at the beginning I thought the facilitation is useful in certain areas but after developing this concept map, now I can relate importance of facilitation in every field. This is because, all sector needs some initiative factor to start any job and facilitation does that

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