Factitious Disorders In The Film 'Run'

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A piece of media that explores factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA) previously known as Munchausen by proxy is the movie Run starring Sarah Paulson and Kiera Allen. While it is not explicitly stated that Diane, the mother of Chloe, has FDIA she portrays many symptoms of such. It is discovered throughout the movie that Diane is getting prescriptions for people other than Chloe and then relabeling them to make them look like her daughters. Diane also shows symptoms as caretaker such as being able to describe her daughter’s sicknesses in great medical detail and her whole life is devoted to “taking care” of Chloe. There are other aspects of the movie that can point to different mental disorders, but FDIA seems to be the most prominent. …show more content…

Early in the movie is Diane is shown talking to what is assumed to be Chloe’s doctor explaining new symptoms instead of taking her to go get seen. She was very insistent about the doctors giving her the medicine without seeing Chloe. This is a symptom according to the Cleveland clinic in which they state, “The child or dependent person’s symptoms generally being reported by the mother (or other caretaker with FDIA) and not being witnessed by hospital staff” as a possible warning sign for FDIA (“Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA)” 2021). This symptom in the movie begins the suspicion of FDIA but there is not enough information yet. It is discovered throughout the movie that Diane is getting prescriptions for people other than Chloe or animals and then relabeling them to make them look like her daughters. These medications would cause her to throw up multiple times a day and even left her paralyzed. Diane gave Chloe that medicine knowing that those are what is causing Chloe’s sicknesses. This behavior is said to be a symptom of FDIA (Rice, 2021). Whenever the audience discovers this, it becomes the most obvious symptom pointing to FDIA, but it is still hard to go off just two