Factory Workers During The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution was a time when societies in Europe and America went from industrial to urban. The Industrial Revolution had many positive and negative effects towards these societies. The positive effects include more jobs and mass production,. The negative effects include bad working conditions and low wages Jobs during the Industrial Revolution were madly increasing. Statistics show that there was a 45% increase in jobs during this time.Some of these jobs consisted of Soap making, cotton mills, trappers, miners, chimney sweeps, luddites (skilled craftsmen eg: glass blowing,) navvies, matchmaking, polishing, canal tunnel transportation, night-men, people to wake everyone in factories up on time, inspectors (post 1833 and factory reforms), and train cleaning (inside the boilers and under the trains. Families needed more money to pay rent and put food on the table and the Industrial Revolution helped that crisis. Even though families though families would come from the poor and awful working conditions, they still needed to provide for their family. The working conditions at the factories were horrendous. Smoke from the air causing breathing problems and unsafe machines causing accidents were just some of the things that happened at the factories. Factory owners didn’t care about whether the conditions …show more content…

Mass production refers to the process of creating large numbers of similar products efficiently.” The British Textile Industry was one of the most successful in mass production because they made it more productive and more faster. They also had all of the machines needed to make work go faster like: the Steam Engine, Cotton Gin, Water Frame, and Spinning Jenny. All of these machines are how what our people worked to get paid but how were they suppose to buy things if the money they made was barely enough to pay for

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