Fahrenheid: A Brief History Of The Thermometer

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Thermometers have been used for many years, starting out being called thermoscopes. All kinds ranging from alcohol in a glass tube to mercury to even water were once used to justify temperature in some way. Galileo Galilei was one of the first people to figure out how to measure temperature in 1593. His thermometer, or thermoscope, used only water. (Bellis, n.d.). Eventually, this led to the mercury thermometer being brought into existence by Ismael Boulliau but modified by Gabriel Fahrenheit. This thermometer, after close examination and modification, it is now the thermometer that we use today. (Rising, 2005). History of Fahrenheit Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit initially was the beginning of the way the United States actually identifies the temperature. He brought about the alcohol scale, the finished mercury scale, and the Fahrenheit scale that we use today all in a matter of fifteen years (1709-1724) (Bellis, n.d.). …show more content…

The first water thermometer was created by Ole Roemer. He stated that the two points that should be used in the body temperature and ice water. The ice water he used was the coldest he could possibly make water in his lab without freezing it. He decided to use these two when he realized that scientist, Carlo Rinaldi’s idea of using the freezing and boiling points of water wasn’t enough. He then took this information, decided on using zero and sixty, and created his own thermometer using alcohol that expands in glass (Rising, 2005).

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