Fahrenheit 451 Alternate Ending Essay

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They started the walk back to the city after seeing a horrendous bombing that hit after they left it. If anyone is still left after the unsuspected dropping over the city, they would be lucky to be alive. It could be something other than people still alive in the city also. The hound could still be alive and looking for Montag, not knowing that he doesn’t have anyone to report to with the information that it has gathered. Granger spoke his mind, “Do you think there’s any survivors after that massive hit?” Nobody responded because they were still surprised. Montag replied, “I’ve seen them survive worse in that city of no feelings. Honestly I don’t know how i have, but I just have.” The first thing that they had to do right when they entered the city was to kill the firemen because their lives pretty much revolved around books. After all, that’s why the rebellion was formed around the river. They would actually have to go with the killing of the firemen because if they lived, they could form even more mechanical hounds to support the on their searches because a few of the firemen probably passed on to the afterlife. …show more content…

In fact, he was kind of glad that the whole city had been destroyed. They could all start a new life and get others to join the rebellion as they moved into the city. “Didn’t take as long to get here as i thought i would,” said Montag. “Well that’s because this is the only time anyone has ever been truly happy to get here.” Montag thought to himself for a few minutes. He thought about how correct the man had been. They again started their way toward the city. Because of the time that they walked, they became weary. The journey back had to