
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Ray Bradbury completed his short story “Fahrenheit 451” in less than two weeks. Bradbury builds the reader’s interest in his characters quickly. He uses active, descriptive language to develop images that promote inquisitiveness and a desire to turn the page, to find out what happens next. Just how Bradbury’s short story “Fahrenheit 451” follows formal narrative structure, in short story form, is what I hope to show in this essay. The title of the first chapter seems forthright enough, yet is a foreshadowing of the forthcoming plot. “The Hearth and the Salamander” is the title Bradbury gave to the first of three parts that make the whole of “Fahrenheit 451.” Bradbury didn’t simply call part one “the fireplace and the lizard.” Instead he deliberately …show more content…

Beatty is the antagonist that brings about the climax. The plot has been building, reaching, rising to a temperature where everything will combust. Montag can no longer hold himself back, he has become increasingly confrontational. He meets his match in Bradbury’s character named Beatty. Beatty is the antagonist of this story. He pushes, and incites, and angers Montag. Beatty is the enemy, what Montag desperately doesn’t want to become. Beatty keeps poking, prodding, and scratching at Montag. He ridicules and confuses Montag, until Montag becomes desperate for relief. Finally Montag cannot take the pressure anymore, and he kills the man. Montag leaves Faber, and makes it safely to the railroad. The scene is set in nighttime, darkness. The railroad is calm and quiet. Bradbury communicates a sense of imminent peacefulness and resolution, the plot has begun to quiet down. There is more of to be revealed, but the pages in left hand far outnumber the pages in the right one. Montag meets a group of men who welcome him into their fold. They teach each other, help each other, and are everything the rest of world in “Fahrenheit 451”

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