Fahrenheit 451 Mixed Government Essay

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In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the government is most like a strong central government. In the story, the people are almost “brainwashed’ into thinking what the government wants them to. The government controls what their people know and their knowledge about other countries. And all books are banned, because of the possibility that people will read about how other societies are better and might rebel. The schooling there is completely different, and they learn practically nothing. Also it seems like more crimes and “killings” happen in this book. Clarisse loses more than 6 friends to murders and car accident. Some might say that totalitarian government is needed to have a stable government and that it's practical to have higher up powers make all the important decisions. However, Mixed government is actually the best way to go. It's the best of both worlds, and allows citizens to have freedoms that other countries might not have. Some say weak central government is the best because it gives local/region government …show more content…

For example, many still fund and give power to royalty or emperors (Amando). They are driven by the motivation of individual self-interest. With a mixed economy, it minimizes the cons of any other type of government. People most likely don’t like change and they like things to be kept constant. This type of government. Overall, the US is the best example out their of a mixed economy. In the end, mixed government is the most common and the most beneficial government form out their today! At least in our society. With this form, a country will get a free market, more freedoms, and government security without total interference of them. Just think, would you want to live in a world where the government doesn’t let you have your own beliefs and can't read books…..Like in Fahrenheit 451? Or would you rather live in a place where you can do all