Fahrenheit 451 Passage Analysis

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Readers of Fahrenheit 451 are exposed to the theme, totalitarian society since from the time guy Montag tell us about some of the rules implicit by the government. The conversation that Montag had with Clarisse changed everything. The way that he saw the world before and after. At the beginning of my passage, Montag says to Clarisse "You are an odd one," referring her as different from the others, by virtue of that saw the-theld different, different from what the government wanted them to see. Clarisse also mentions that she does not watch the "parlour walls" neither the billboards as other would do, instead she observes the grass, rose-gardens, and cows. Clarisse is not tempted by any entertainment distractions created by the totalitarian …show more content…

The young woman mentions about another law, she says "Have you ever watched the jet cars racing on the boulevards down that way?" … "My uncle drove slowly on a highway once. He drove forty miles an hour and they jailed him for two days. Isn't that funny, and sad, too?". The fireman behaves as if it common, while Clarisse is indignant with that situation. We can anticipate that he is stuck in the government's laws. Montag again critics the way Clarisse thinks, considering that he was born with the mentality that the government controls what people think and know about the world. Clarisse also provokes Montag to think in a more profound way, she says "Bet I know something else you don't. There's dew on the grass in the morning.", he could not remember if he had known this or not. We can assume that Montag's eyes are also manipulated, he does not observe any details, he just sees what the government wants him to see. After that point was touched, both of them stopped to think. We can already consider that Montag opinions were changing after his conversation with Clarisse. When they arrive home Montag is impressed with a number of house lights.