
Fahrenheit 451 Power Quotes

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Power being Displayed in Fahrenheit 451 and the Modern World
“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses”(Malcom X). Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopia about the overuse of power and showing how society controls individuals. It talks about a story of power shifting between the society and an individual. Society controls individuals by limiting what people can see do or view, societal popularity, and fear of consequences. Society controls individuals in many ways. One of those ways is to putting limits on things. One example of using limits as control in the world is Korea. In Korea the government …show more content…

For example there are many real word trends that control individuals because they feel that they need to follow these trends One example of this trend is social media. Many people have at least one social media app because it was made a trend to have. “Young people need to be connected and feel they can't be disconnected, and a quarter of our teens are constantly connected and send about 150 texts per day” (Social media monitoring apps shine spotlight on internet addiction) This shows that people have gotten addicted to social media because people made it a trend and they started following it because this was another way society controlled individuals. The individuals might not have known they were being controlled but they were. In the book Fahrenheit 451 nobody reads book. It is socially unacceptable to read books so nobody does. When Guy Montag (a fireman who has recently started to read books) tried to convince Mildred (Guy Montag’s wife who gets along with society very well) to read, she had a bad reaction, because nobody in society reads books. “Why should I read? What for?” (Bradbury 34). When Guy had asked Mildred to read she reacted in this way because it was not a socially common thing to do. The society had convinced and controlled the individuals to not read books by telling them it was bad for them. In conclusion there are many trends and socially …show more content…

They can fear the consequences and what is going to happen to them if they do whatever is being told not to do. In the book Fahrenheit 451 Mildred fears the books. She fears them because she know if she reads them that something bad might happen. “He might come and bum the house and the `family.” (Bradbury 34). When Mildred says this to guy he expresses fear of what they might do to her. She doesn’t want the house or the parlor walls( walls with huge tv’s that Mildred calls her family). This goes as far as to stop her from reading but it also makes her try to stop Guy from even having the books in the house. Guy montag is afraid of the hound( a robot dog that the firehouse uses as a watchdog). When the hound comes to Guys door he is so afraid that he doesn’t even open the door. "It's only a dog, that's what! You want me to shoo him away?" "Stay where you are!"(Bradbury 34). This shows that even though he is a fireman he is still controlled by fear. He went to his room and re-hid the books so that he wouldn’t get caught. In the end fear is a good way to control an individual because it works to get them to do what you

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