Fahrenheit 451 Technology Analysis

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Ray Bradbury was a man of his time. He was able to accurately predict the future in Fahrenheit 451. He shows that our societies are not different. In Montag 's Society people show desensitization, brainlessness, and self-centeredness. The streets are shown everywhere in the 21st-century. From children two adults, almost everyone can relate.
In the 21st-century, people have become more dependent on technology just like in Fahrenheit 451. Technology is a distraction for all. Mildred uses technology the most, And in some ways is an immature adult. She just watches TV all day just like a couch potato. She describes that, "My 'family ' is my people (75)." This shows a lack of maturity, and a lack of communication with others. Examples in …show more content…

In the 21st-century, looking for information that is in a book has become a thing of the past. Taking sometimes non-reliable snippet in the 21st-century, looking for information that is in a book has become a thing of the past. Taking sometimes non-reliable snippets if easier, and is what people do. This makes the brain slow down, and makes people brainless. It is integrated into people 's ' brains to become more fish and, and only look at certain things. For example in Fahrenheit 451, things seem to be very similar like TV shows, news, And advertisement. This also include things like magazines which in Montag 's society have become, "a nice blend of vanilla tapioca (61). Magazines are too focused on beauty, just like this society. People only want beauty or handsomeness, never character. Especially with more people. People want what pleases them. Therefore Montag 's society must conform to their standards. And not all groups except other people 's ideals. Therefore things will turn violent. In Montag 's society,"The bigger the population...the less you handle controversy (61)." For the 21st-century, this is true as well. Certain groups want things taken away while others don 't. And as this population grows bigger, the more people argue, and the harder it is to control. One way this is controlled is by destroying anything negative about agroup. Cutting off knowledge, and turning people brainless. But with this, peace is established right? Well that 's what people think, but