
Fairtrade Research Paper

1008 Words5 Pages

How can the world function, by working in harmony no, it’s by deceitfulness, power, and whoever has the most money now. When did we stop caring, when did we stop doing what’s right, when did we start not caring and pretending to care about ideas that don’t affect. When will those people realize there’s a bigger picture here, and not everything that happens has to revolve around them. These people talking about making the world better, if you really want to make the world better, than you would have to start by bettering yourself. Labor abuses, now this is a big one, if you want something done right, do it yourself as simple as that right, wrong, doing everything yourself will take ages, and in this day and age things can’t be slow or hard. All I would say is that the best thing I could do was higher wages, for those who get paid very little. Literally, every month in the Bangladesh garment industry, they …show more content…

Fairtrade by definition is when you pay fair prices to your workers. Now this stinks because our food comes from all over the world, like our fries come from Idaho. Okay, bad example, but things are shipped to the U.S every day, like chocolate the worst one of all, Coast Ivory, our main chocolate source, were here fair isn’t their vocabulary. Make sure you show the unfair trade companies know how mad you are by not buying candy from them. Imagine having a certain amount of money, lets say from two hundred to two thousand. Seems like a lot right, wrong, I had one thousand dollars and all I could really afford was the best health care and a small tv. That shows how expensive things are getting now. What was a dollar then, is ten dollars now, with the more taxes we have the more we have to pay. How about we go back to the good old days, when it was a bartering system, then its what you need and not just spendy, spendy, spendy. No you start to worry, start to tremble that no one wants your useless

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