Fall Of The House Of Usher Essay

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I remember when I went to my first haunted house and it was one of the most fun experiences I have had in my entire life. We get excited because of adrenaline and dopamine rushing through our bodies which can make us happy, stressed and scared. There’s a case of being scared so much that it drove a man to death, it’s in the passage “The Fall of The House of Usher”. Edgar Allan Poe describes the negative effects of being scared and things that can happen to your mental state in the long term. This paper will contain what it’s like being scared of something that isn’t there because when imagination becomes reality, things get much more scary. Humans can scare themselves by letting imagination become reality. Imagination can put things into someone’s head such as someone being next to them when nothing is there or that someone is with them when they aren’t. In the haunted house I was chased and I was running from them and it was really fun and scary but sometimes I felt as if there was someone behind me when they weren’t. I was …show more content…

In the story “The Fall of The House of Usher”, Usher thinks that his sister is dead when in reality she is alive but he talks about her in the past tense as if she is dead. In the story Usher thinks Madeline is dead but she isn’t, in fact she has the same mental illness as him, this is what he says about her, “Her decease, he said with a bitterness I could never forget, would leave him the last of the ancient race of the Ushers. While he spoke, the lady Madeline passed slowly through a remote portion of the apartment.” (Poe 19). Usher says his sister is dead but she is walking around the house as he explains to the narrator what he means. Ushers mental illness made him live in fear so much to the point where he didn’t wanna leave his room. His imagination made him hear things and it would wake him up in the middle of the night, this made it very hard for Usher to get