Fall Of The Roman Empire Essay

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Abraham Lincoln once said “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed it ourselves. He may have been right...America can be viewed as falling in many of the same ways Rome did. By Corruption, Invasion, and loss of Morals and structure.
There are many ways a strong and healthy empire, or country, can fall. One of the main ways that we believe that the roman empire may have been pushed toward its end was by corruption within the government of the ancient society. Corruption was caused by the inability to effectively control and consistently serve the empire due to the constant changing of power between emperors. Caos was created by civil wars which were most likely caused …show more content…

We often are quick to judge our new leaders before they have a chance to prove themselves, and this can be seen early throughout history. Even in the Roman times, we can see that a mistrust of new leaders cause the civilization to become weak. You can compare this mistrust to today with our newly elected president Donald Trump. There were revolts and riots agents, Trump, even before he was inaugurated and had any power at all. This is very much like what happened in Rome.
Another example of how our country may be in decline is the loss of our morals, values, and faith. Rome was at its best when Christianity caught fire and spread. This spread of newly found faith in God caused believers to fall was from the glory of the state and to believing God had control. This lead to the persecution of Christians and eroded the traditional values of the Romans, and turned the government against Christians.
Now Christianity is leaving our culture and heading to becoming one of the minority faiths. God is no longer allowed in our schools and Christians are being persecuted by ISIS. Soon enough God will no longer be allowed in our government and church become very uncommon due to the fear of being killed. Then there will be segregation of those of faith and the government, just like the segregation in