False Flag Speech

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The term “false flag" actually comes to us by way of the sea. Especially through the 17th and 18th century but also in the 19th and 20th all the way up to today, though the actual event of a false flag has changed, the result is still the same. So before the 20th century, if an ocean-faring vessel wanted to approach another to board her, the captain of the ship to be boarded would first identify the flag flying on the boat that was attempting to board her. If the captain recognized the flag of the incoming ship to be that of a friendly state i.e. Dutch, French, British etc. Then the captain would allow for the other vessel to come alongside and the boarding would ensue. If however, the captain recognized the flag to be an enemy or unwanted …show more content…

Under this “false flag" the pirated launch would then approach, board, and plunder the unsuspecting ketch and its crew. The false flag as used today is different in that its purpose is rarely for the theft of a ships treasure. Rather it's purpose today is to invoke a predetermined emotional response or reaction to an event. For example the Gulf of Tonkin incident in which it was proposed that the North Vietnamese or Vietcong had deliberately attacked the unprovoked USS Maddox a destroyer in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. The purpose of this false flag event was to raise support for LBJ’s plan to stop communist aggression in Asia by deceiving US citizens into believing it was an egregious act against the United States. The deception was a success and the ensuing outrage over the incident led to Congress passing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that gave LBJ the authority he needed to move forward with his policy of halting “communist expansion". Other false flag examples include The Levon Affair, Operation Ajax, Operation Gladio and COINTELPRO just to name a few. With each event I've listed, there was …show more content…

Top Ten Cases of abuse of Power Since 9/11 (https://www.aclu.org/top-ten-abuses-power-911)
5 Confirmed False Flag Operations and How to Spot Them in the future (http://theantimedia.org/5-confirmed-false-flag-operations/)