The Joke Analysis

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The third joke emerges from the falsity of language. In The Joke, language has been observed as the path of fallacy. Language is used to express falsity instead of communication. During The Ride of the Kings, in an interview with a radio commentator, Jaroslav wants to express his dissatisfaction on the party’s exploitation of his beloved and long preserved folk culture. Instead of rebuking the comrades, party associates, he thanks them for their help. Here, empty words emerge as an eminent Joke as falsity of language is used to hide truth. Here a two-fold futility of action has been occurred. Firstly, he fails to rebuke party associates, he praises them for their help—instead. Secondly, Jaroslav wants to speak the truth but he fails. The failure of language to convey meaning is an important theme in the literature of Absurdism. Language is either detached from any interpretation that can be agreed to by all characters, or it is reduced to complete gibberish. Like in the play The Bald Soprano …show more content…

Once Jaroslav performed the King role at the folk ritual, The Ride of the King. Now he wishes to see his son as the King. According to Jaroslav: ‘I believe things have a meaning, Vladimir’, he tells his son in an imaginary colloquy. ‘I want to hand my kingdom over to you. And I want you to accept it from me’ (p. 112). As the party nominates Vladimir to be king, Jaroslav expects him in the ride. However, Vlaimir prefers to join in modern motorcycle race instead of being the king of the ride. An old man named Koutecky informed Jaroslav that Vladimir has gone off with his grandson Milos. Thus, the pathetic joke comes as Vladimir leaves the role of the King. Here, two actions go in vain. Jaroslav’s fails to perform his son as the role of the King. His long preserved desire comes to an end. His aspiration becomes meaningless with the withdrawal of the role of the King by