The Show Family Guy Will Go On
On her debatable, yet humorous article, “Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious”author Antonia Peacocke explain the rough patches the television series Family Guy’s came across. It was canceled twice due to the complaints from offering the certain group of cultures causing to decrease their ratings drastically. In fact, a lot of viewers made it so popular, that within the first and within the first cancelation those upset viewers were able to bring the show back. She continues explaining how she wasn 't a big fan of the show and how she stuck out like a sore thumb because of her entire family enjoyed watching it except her. Eventually, she realized needed to give the animated show one more chance and so only it had grown on her. Now watching the show, she figured out the true meaning behind Family Guy, she picked up concepts she didn 't notice before. Peacocks interpretations made the correlation between how the inappropriate jokes are not intentionally made to hurt, but empathize on a certain issue including the specific meaning behind it.I do believe Peacocke has strong oppositions on how the real meaning can also be too mature for a certain age group to understand.
Furthermore, I
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Besides the ignorant remarks, Family Guy uses taboos which were a term I wasn 't familiar with at first, but found out it is defined as “a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing”(Bing Definition). Honestly, I 'm stunned with how many outrageous taboos Family Guy contains because it is presented in a joking manner. In this case the show stand out more because of its endless lists of taboos in Family Guy all which would of been taken seriously in the real world ( Hanh Nguyen). Whether the episodes that break down the taboos are true or not, there are still specific reasoning, and real-life lessons