Family Support Recovery

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Recovery is defined by SAMHSA as “a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential” (SAMHSA, 2015). An important component in an addict’s recovery is having a strong family support system. As we have learned, when a family member suffers from addiction it can create an unhealthy family atmosphere that is full of stress, tension, anger, hurt, and broken relationships. In order for the recovery process to be successful the family unit needs to change from an unhealthy unit to a healthy supportive unit.
Participating in family therapy is one way for the family to start the rebuilding process. According to Inba and Cohen, “Addiction is family disease that greatly impacts every member of an addicts family.” When working with addicts, family therapists view the addict as apart of the unit, rather than an isolated problem. Family therapy seeks to use the family’s strengths and resources to help find or develop ways to live without substances of abuse, and it improves the impact of chemical dependency on both the addict and the family (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2004). …show more content…

One way to achieve this is to improve healthy and supportive communication. Family members may feel angry, hurt, or afraid to discuss their loved ones addiction. Acceptance by all family members, as well as by the addict, that addiction is a treatable disease, and not a sign of moral weakness is one of the main goals of family therapy (Inba & Cohen, 2011). Learning how to discuss things in a constructive manner benefits both the family as a whole and the individual who is in recovery. Healthy communication among family members significantly aids in rebuilding family relationships making the family unit