Famous Children's Song 'Old Mcdonalds Had A Farm'

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Daisy Rios July 17, 2014 English 101 Mrs. Isaac The Truth about Old McDonalds We have all heard that famous children’s song “Old McDonalds Had a Farm.” The song tells about how there is a cow here, and a pig there, here a goose, there a chicken, everywhere a happy animal. The truth is though, that the majority of farm animals in the state of California have never even felt or seen the sun, much less a pretty farm with green pastures and nice farmers. Because of big food corporations, most animals like cows, pigs, chickens, and turkeys live their entire lives in confinement and torture. This system of cruelty is called factory farming and it is where most of the population’s meat, poultry, and dairy products come from. It is a system where …show more content…

annually by 60 major beef-packing operations processing around 26 billion pounds of beef. Four firms control over 80 percent of all the beef slaughtered, Tyson, Cargill, JSB, and National Beef Packing Co. The two biggest are Tyson and Cargill who control over half of pork production. Tyson kills about 28,700 cattle daily and is the world’s largest supplier of beef and pork products. It makes up twenty five percent of the US’s market share and makes about $12.7 billion annually. Cargill slaughters 29,000 cattle daily makes up twenty one percent of the US’s market share and is estimated to make $88.3 billion in sales yearly. These companies are monopolizing the entire meat …show more content…

These animals are still suffering greatly and live a miserable life in these factory “farms.” The law requires for animals in factory farms to be able to lie down, stand up, extend their limbs, and turn around freely, but does this law state that chickens be able to extend and stretch their wings? Does it allow cows a break from the cruel milking machines that often cause an extremely painful infection from the constant milking called mastitis, which swells up their udders and can block their milk? And does it stop factory farm workers from ripping out the testicles of conscious piglets without the use of painkillers, or from having their mothers suffering from distended, inflamed, bleeding, and usually fatal uterine prolepses because of constant birthing? I think not. Changes need to be made. Something that could be done is to raise the fine fee to at least $10,000. If the fine fee is raised, then these industries may think twice when treating these animals in a cruel manner, or when breaking the law. Another change can be to hire more supervision. Factory farm industries and their workers will continue to practice cruel methods and break the law if they know that they can get away with it. I suggest having unexpected inspections at least once a week, and having absolutely no mercy for the law

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