Farenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury: Chapter Analysis

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(MIP-1) The ‘parlor’ effects creativity of the inhumane people of this society. (SIP-A) The parlor is something that controls you, it doesn't let you think about anything else but watch it, it is a attention seeking freek. (STEWE-1) The clearest time this is shown is in the second section of the book. “half the time I couldn't hear a word he said, and the words I did hear, I didn't understand” (Bradbury 93). This is clearly stating that the tv controls them. they can't hear the actual content of the people running for president you could only see them and there looks. So in a way the tv forces them to use the not so important parts of the debate to determine their choice. (STEWE-2) The parlor ‘spoon-feeds’ everything to the viewer. This doesn't …show more content…

“But I think she is dead””you're not sure of it!”no not sure, pretty sure.””. This is affects her because the only thing she is focused on the parlor nothing else, like the death of clarisse.(SIP-B) They also don't think about the consequences of their choices. (STEWE-1) One example of this is when they were talking about the children. They did not understand the need for children. They were only in it for the moment. They couldn't care less about the next generation or the survival of humanity. The parlor influences this by controlling them, this meaning that the parlor makes them only care about themselves, there is no such thing as hospitality. This is shown when they talk about the children, on how kids are a waste of time and too much work. This is proving that they don’t look at the long term effects.” The world must reproduce, you know, the race must go on” (Bradbury 92), “caesareans or not, children are ruinous”. (STEWE-2) The parlor distracting people from many things. Clearly one of the things they have been distracted from are the consequences. This can have many consequences, all of which the people did not want to face them, the of course.