Fat Shaming Rozin Analysis

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Since there are a variation of body types, it is often incorrect a person to classify someone as simply skinny or fat. We live in a world where looks are important. A person's physical shape helps determine how acceptable they are to society. In America, more than a third of adults are obese. Despite this fact, a majority of citizens actively participate in fat shaming. In two articles, “Fat Shaming is an issue in The U.S.” by Michael Rozin and “The Shame of Fat Shaming” by Gina Kolata purpose is to critic fat shaming. Throughout each article, similarities and differences can be found. Both articles have a lot of similarities. With their facts, sources, written standpoint, and interest in topic. The studies used in the article were either similar or exactly the same. This made the articles comparable. Their studies concluded that fat shaming, is a …show more content…

“The Shame of Fat shaming”, was written from an unbiased third person point of view.With this, author Gina Kolata was able to present a list of facts in a formal matter. She used Donald Trump as an example of people apart of popular culture (leaders) practice fat shaming. The purpose of this article was to explain the negativity caused and towards fat shaming; fat shaming and obesity is very high in America but, prevalent worldwide. Article two provides more detail on the issue of fat shaming. For instance, GIna Kolata published how the effects of fat shaming goes beyond stares, but greeting cards and media. Further stating that bullying is present in classrooms. Kids that are overweight have said that their classmates, teachers, and friends become bullies. Additional studies found that fat shaming is harsher towards women socially than men. Fat shaming is not equal among the sexes by, fat people shame others for being fat. Lastly, even though fat people face stigmatism, they essentially stigmatize themselves which is self