Fate And Destiny In Macbeth

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Fate is the advancement of occasions past a man's control, viewed as controlled by the supernatural world. Knowing about a circumstance that could change your life for the better is very hard to (1) covert. When a pastor or anyone who is higher in the supernatural world prophesizes to one, it is hard for he or she not to do anything that would cause the prophesy from happening. Taking fate into hands and changing it can (2) hamper ones destiny in life and it is very hard to (3) bypass it. It causes one to act (4) flagrantly and do things that are immoral or (5) inhumane, can cause a person to earn the tittle of an (6) infamous. Interfering with destiny and fate changes everything, (7) distorting what has been said or done.In the play Macbeth …show more content…

Shakespeare plays manikin expert with the character Macbeth by dangling his destiny before him, yet in the meantime it is Macbeth's own craving and scholarly perspectives that lead him into emotional instability and finally enduring his foreshadowed destiny.
There are three witches in the beginning of the play and they discuss where they are going to meet again. They go on to say where they will be meeting Macbeth and they all join together and say “foul is fair and fair is foul”(Shakespeare 7). Macbeth is walking with his partner Banquo and he states “so foul and fair a day I have not seen” (Shakespeare 17) which explains how the day is foul due to the witches raisin’ a storm and fair because he won a war. By both the witches and Macbeth stating these quote shows a connection between the dark forces and Macbeth. Macbeth meets the witches and they state “All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth that shall be king hereafter!”(Shakespeare 17). Macbeth is perplexed by what he hears from the witches due to the fact that he was already the …show more content…

He can't perceive how anything he can accomplish for whatever remains of his life can present to him any joy or fulfillment. Macbeth took fate into his hands and killed the king so he could become king since the witches told him he will be king. This characterizes Macbeth as one who will do whatever it takes to achieve what he wants. Lady Macbeth (18) assuages Macbeth’s pain by conciliating him and telling him that he did the right thing. Macbeth is now (19) enthralled that he is king but something is still lingering in his head. The witches told Banquo, his partner that “lesser than Macbeth and greater. Not so happy, yet much happier. Thou shall get kings, though thou ne none” (Shakespeare 19). Since the witches prophesies has come true for Macbeth, he feels that he has to kill Banquo and his kids so that they do not become kings. Due to this, Macbeth sends people to kill Banquo but his son, Fleance who flees away and this shows that there can be no escape from what the witches had said. After the death of Banquo, Macbeth is not same anymore. Macbeth's significant serenity is currently devastated be that as it may, and coerce ridden

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