Fate And Freewill In Hamlet

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Fate and freewill in Hamlet , the prince of denmark Hamlet is one a famous playwright by Shakespeare. Hamlet, in particular, has a lot of "most famous" things in it: it's Shakespeare's most famous play about Shakespeare's most famous character (that would be Hamlet), and it contains Shakespeare's most famous line: "To be or not to be, that is the question" (3.1.58), in page 180.Revenge, ambition, lust and secret planning return to the heads of those that conjured them in Hamlet. Assumptions made on Shakespeare writing this playwright: The story of Hamlet dates back to at least the 9th century. It centers on "Amleth" , a young man who fakes being crazy in order avenge his father's murder. Saxo the Grammarian included the tale in a 12th century text and later, François de Belleforest translated the story from Latin into French in Histoires Tragiques (1570), which is where Shakespeare may have found it. …show more content…

The actions of Hamlet is carried by his free will but the reactions for his actions were determined by his fate. It is a bit confusing. Throughout the play, Hamlet’s free will has been predetermined by his fate. In the process to take revenge on those who killed his father, leads to death of some characters and Hamlet at the end. “Nature’s livery or fortune’s star”, in act 1,scene 4,page 124. By this line, Hamlet’s belief has been reflected that a person’s fortune is not what he can decide and execute, and it cannot be controlled. The “fortune’s star” refers to the person whose fortune falls how he chooses it, by chance. The ghost: How does the ghost play a role in deciding the fate of